a long long time ago.. kehkeh salam semuany.. da lame kan ak x mengupdate status.. eh.. blogkn.. hee~ buzy la.. rasa memang cam lame giler x update kan..
emm..biase la.. nak last2 sem nie..memang banyak la aktivitiny.. huhu aktiviti yang paling latest ak ikot ialah program kepimpinan pelajar... best gak la program tuu.. heheh sebab boleh jumpe budak budak sekolah rendah.. giler comel2 semuany.. hehhe
program nie berbentuk motivasi kepada adik adik yang nak menduduki UPSR.. so kire sebagai akak2 nie kena la menasihati adik2 belajr rajin2.. heee~ peergghhh
as usual program nie berlangsung sehari je.. dari 7 pagi hingga 6 petang..
time bertolak 2.. 2 kali terlepas sebab x perasan sekolah.. hee then ble da sampai adik2 semua da seap tunggu kami... agak terkejot la.. budak2 kecik2 n somel2 sje.. hahha
so ape lagi bertukar la character.. kehkeh more 2 child also.. hehe all the adik2 look excited..
adik2 nie sme manje2 and somel2.. macam macam aktiviti yang kami semua buat.. for example pergenalan labah2..telor ujung tanduk.. pidato umum.. polar bear..(actually this games is more suitable to secondary school.. but we thought that this games suitable for primary school after we do some TOT then after we try to all this adik2.. i'm as a fasi think it's not suitable for all adik2.. coz when we all asking what they think about this game.. they say.. the negatif feedback.. so to me.. polar bear only suitable for secondary school only.. huhu
as usual aslo as a fasilitator... we try and learn what a good and bad when handle the program like a children under 12 years.. ccehhwwaahh... heheh
and the excited part for the all adik2 is sing a song.. very excited and they also very fun play together..
so have fun with da.. and part yang xleh bla.. adik2 mnt sain... hahha semua die berkerumun.. hahah penat mak nk sain..hahhah ( perasan retis) kehkeh =p
best kan jadi fasi.. hahha so moral die.. da xnak jadi ajk program.. nanti adik2.. xkenal..mihahha =p ok..bye.. love peace and respect.. ^^ ( gamabr len kali ye) hahah
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